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17th GCBSS Awards:


Global Conference on Business & Social Sciences Series ||Awards:


GCBSS Series currently has two awards: the Distinguished Academic Award (DAA) and the Life-Time Achievement Award (LAA). The criteria for these awards can be in the following section.

To make a nomination for these awards, please complete the appropriate nomination form using the links on the right hand side of the page. Completed nomination forms to be submitted to the GCBSS Series Coordinator admin@gcbss.org


It is intended that the Distinguished Academic Award (DAA) should be made GCBSS annual Conferences to an individual who has made a substantial and direct contribution to academic Business and Social Sciences life. Such contributions could have been received through research, teaching and public service. It should be noted that research contributions are not the only form of distinction recognised, although it is likely that it is a highly important form. The award will normally only be given to an individual who has spent a substantial amount of time in his or her academic career within a higher education institution around the word. The award can only be made once to any given individual.

GCBSS Series will seek nominations for this award from its membership in the autumn of each year. Each year a sub-committee will consider the nominations, together with any other names it sees fit to consider. The sub-committee will then make a recommendation, along with a brief report on the process followed, to the GCBSS Executive Committee as to whom the award should be made. The award would then be made at the following GCBSS Annual Conference, subject to the individual concerned agreeing to accept the award.

The chief responsibility of the award-holder is to present the paper during one of the panel sessions at the GCBSS Annual Conference subsequent to the Annual Conference at which the award is given. Subject to appropriate editing, it is expected that the paper presented will appear, as an invited paper, in any of the GCBSS Series associated Journal. Given this responsibility, it will normally (although not inevitably) be the case that the award will be given to a currently active academic.


It is intended that Life-time Achievement Awards (LAAs) should be made annually to one or more individuals who have made a substantial and direct contribution to academic Business and Social Sciences over the course of their careers. Such contributions will have been made through research, teaching or public service. The award will only be given to an individual who has spent a substantial amount of time in his or her academic careers within a higher education institute around the world.

GCBSS Series will seek nominations for this award from its Past GCBSS Delegates in the Autumn of each year. Each year a sub-committee will consider the nominations, together with any other names it sees fit to consider. The sub-committee will then make a recommendation, along with a brief report on the process followed, to the GCBSS Executive Committee as to whom the award should be made. The award would then be made at the following GCBSS Annual Conference, subject to the individual concerned agreeing to accept the award.



GCBSS Awards takes every opportunity to publicly acknowledge and promote nominees and finalists to a wide variety of business press and GATR media outlets. Admissible nominations are showcased on the GCBSS Awards website and social media to maximize their exposure to our audience. Nominees are encouraged to promote their nomination on their own publicity and marketing campaigns.


By touching over 6,000 Universities from all over the world, GCBSS Awards is on the forefront of identifying emerging trends in the business and social sciences field. Nominations receive an unbiased, high-powered, focus group review by the GCBSS Awards Advisory board comprised of hand-picked academic experts from a spectrum of disciplines. This distinction is recognized by the academic and serves as an unbiased academic validation for the contribution in business and social sciences field. The status delivers an affirmation of superior quality—a confirmation that can reach scholars in a way that marketing and advertising cannot.


Free Courier to Visual nominees (All Countries)
  • Recognition and Visibility
  • Review and Validation
  • Award and Certificate with golden seal.
  • Academic Discussion Session (IN-PERSON & ONLINE)
  • Conference KIT
  • Refereed Proceeding CD with ISBN
  • Abstract Video publication on Official Channel
  • Journal publication fees (Sponsored by GATR)
  • Printed program Schedule
  • Two coffee breaks each day
  • International Buffet lunch daily
  • GALA Dinner & Networking
GCBSS DAA Nomination Form
GCBSS DAA Nomination Form
GCBSS LAA Nomination Form
GCBSS LAA Nomination Form
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