I have submitted only abstract and when should I submit Full Paper Now? Can I change the name of the author or paper title after I submit the paper? Can I change the title and author's name in the draft conference program?
You can submit full paper before the submission deadline. You can make changes with the approval of organizing committee before the publication of final manuscript.
Where can I find instructions for paper composition?
The Instruction and Paper Template can be found in the Author Guideline.
Can I use my paper in some other conference at same time?
No, Papers should be original contributions and should not be under consideration for any other conference or publication at the same time.
Is there any page length limit for journal/conference papers?
Yes. Pages limit vary publisher to publisher, organizing committee advice to prepare full paper between 10 pages (including reference and figures) in length. Extended abstract must contain (200 250 words).
What if my paper exceed from 12 pages?
If the length exceeds from 10 pages, the authors are required to pay a publication fees of USD 20 for International and Local authors RM 40 for each additional page.
What format is required for the submission of paper?
Abstracts/full Papers must be in doc/docx format and submitted electronically or at
What are the criteria of selection of conference papers for journal publication?
Conference would accept all types of papers with innovative ideas and recognized as outstanding papers among the review committee. All accepted full Papers will be published in the special issue the indexed journals.
Where is the conference proceedings/journal articles indexed in?
All accepted papers will be published in the special issue of the Journals indexed in Thomson Returns, Elsevier, EBSCO HOST, DOAJ and SOPOUS. For more details please visit Publication Opportunity.