Business and Social Science for Development
15th – 16th December, 2014
Nexus Hotel Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Day 1: December 15, 2014, Venue: Auditorium and Function Room of the Nexus Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
08.00 – 09.00 Arrival of Delegates & Registration
09.00 – 09.10 Welcome Speech
09.10 – 09.30 Keynote Speech
09.30 – 09.50 Keynote Speech
09.50 – 10.20 Morning Refreshments
10.20 – 12.45 Parallel Sessions Venue:(Auditorium and function Rooms)
12.45 – 14.00 International Buffet Lunch Venue:(Ball Rooms)
14.00 – 15.50 Parallel Sessions Venue:(Auditorium and function Rooms)
15.50 – 16.15 Evening Refreshments Venue:(Foyer)
16.15 – 17.45 Parallel Sessions Venue:(Auditorium and function Rooms)
End of the program for the day one
Day 2: December 16, 2014
Venue:Auditorium and Function Room of the Nexus Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
08.00 – 09.00 Arrival of Delegates & Registration
09.00 – 10.50 Parallel Sessions Venue:(Auditorium and function Rooms)
10.50 – 11.15 Morning Refreshments
11.15 – 12.45 Parallel Sessions Venue:(Auditorium and function Rooms)
12.45 – 14.00 International Buffet Lunch Venue:(Ball Rooms)
14.00 – 15.50 Parallel Sessions Venue:(Auditorium and function Rooms)
15.50 – 16.15 Evening Refreshments Venue:(Foyer)
16.00 – 17.00 Parallel Sessions Venue:(Auditorium and function Rooms)
17.00 – 18.00 Closing Ceremony Awards and certificate Distribution Venue:(Auditorium)
18.00 – 18.05 Vote of thanks and group photo session Venue:(Auditorium)
End of the program for the day two