Global Partners:
Global Academy of Training & Research (GATR, Malaysia)
Global Academy of Training and Research (GATR) Enterprise is a registered research firm in Malaysia that provides platforms for academics to excel. It publishes journals, books, and provides research services in a wide range of disciplines. GATR aims at encouraging young scholar, trainers, academic & corporate researchers to conduct meaningful research and provide useful knowledge for academic and socio-economic development of their respective nations. The academic outfits also organizes seminars, workshops, conferences, symposiums, world forum and academic tours. Because of current status of Malaysia as an emerging global educational hub. Malaysia provides a good and conducive environment for learning and research. GATR has initiated the Journey from Malaysia and has an ambition to serve humanity around the Globe.
Our Recognition:
University of Prešov, Slovakia
The University of Prešov is the only public university in the Prešov self-governing region. It focuses on the areas of social, natural and theological sciences, sport, arts, management and health care. It was established by law in December 1996 by splitting the University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice into the University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Košice and Prešov University in Prešov. It was officially established on 1 January 1997. The outcomes of its active education and research programmes stretch significantly beyond the borders of Eastern Slovakia.
Through bilateral agreements, the university cooperates with 75 higher education institutions from more than 20 countries, while Presov students and teachers can spend time at one of more than 300 universities across Europe under the framework of the Erasmus programme. In addition, staff members present the results of their studies in articles that are published at home and abroad, as well as at various scientific events in countries such as Russia, South Africa, Singapore, Switzerland and the UK.
University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka
The University of Kelaniya has its origin in the historic Vidyalankara Pirivena, founded in 1875 by Ratmalane Sri Dharmaloka Thera as a centre of learning for Buddhist monks. With the establishment of modern universities in Sri Lanka in the 1940s and 1950s, the Vidyalankara Pirivena became the Vidyalankara University in 1959, later the Vidyalankara Campus of the University of Ceylon in 1972, and, ultimately, the University of Kelaniya in 1978.
The University of Kelaniya has pioneered a number of new developments in higher education. It was one of the first universities to begin teaching science in Sinhala and the first to restructure the traditional Arts Faculty into three faculties: Humanities, Social Sciences, and Commerce and Management.
It has several departments not generally found in the Sri Lankan University system and some Kelaniya innovations have been adopted subsequently by other universities. These include the Departments of Industrial Management and Microbiology in the Faculty of Science; Departments of Linguistics, Fine Arts, Modern Languages and Hindi in the Faculty of Humanities; and Mass Communication and Library and Information Sciences in the Faculty of Social Sciences.
Czestochowa University of Technology, Poland
Czestochowa University of Technology (CUT) is the largest state university in the region funded in the 40's last century. It is also the only one having full academic rights, i.e. it has the right to confer the title of doctor and university professor (habilitated doctor). During its scientific and educational activities, it has become an inherent part of Poland's history and tradition, of Czestochowa region and the city itself. In nationwide rankings of the state institutions of higher education, we are among the top universities in Poland of a similar profile.
CUT has a reputation for being a modern and well-equipped school which offers a wide range of courses and a high level of education. The excellent quality of our teaching and research and the unrivalled academic knowledge and experience of our academic staff make studying at CUT a stimulating and invaluable experience. The University also prides itself on having good student infrastructure, a wide range of high-standard laboratories and lecture rooms to support research and teaching as well as three halls of residence, its own publisher and a modern main library and faculty libraries.
Cairo University, (Egypt)
Cairo University (previously known as the Egyptian University 1908–1940, then King Fuad I University 1940–1952) is Egypt's premier public university with its main campus in Giza, immediately across the Nile from Cairo. It was founded on 21 December 1908;[1] however, after being originally housed in various parts of Cairo, its faculties, beginning with the Faculty of Arts, were established on its current main campus in Giza only in October 1929. It is the second oldest institution of higher education in Egypt after Al Azhar University, notwithstanding the pre-existing higher professional schools that later became constituent colleges of the university. It was originally founded and funded as the Egyptian University by a committee of private citizens with royal patronage in 1908 and became a state institution under King Fuad I in 1925.[2] In 1940, four years following his death, the University was renamed King Fuad I University in his honour. It was renamed a second time after the Free Officer's Coup of 1952.[1] The University currently enrols approximately 155,000 students in 22 faculties.[3] It counts three Nobel Laureates among its graduates and is one of the 50 largest institutions of higher education in the world by enrolment.
University of Brawijaya, (Indonesia)
University of Brawijaya (UB) is located in the city of Malang, East Java province, Indonesia. UB was officially declared by the President of the Republic of Indonesia January 5th 1963. UB is a leading university in Indonesia with more than 50,000 students in degrees ranging from the diploma programs (one- and two-year), Bachelor's degree program, Master's degree program, Doctoral degree program, and Medical Specialist program in 11 faculties. UB campus is in the city of Malang, East Java, in a strategic location easily reached by public transportation. The campus has a pleasant climate with many trees and the cool air of Malang at 475 meters elevation Visions: To be an outstanding university and play an active role as an agent of change to the society through education, research and community services complies with the national and international standard. Mission: To conduct professional teaching-learning process. To promote awareness to the existence of God's creations and appreciation of human and other creatures rights. To conduct academic process that educates the students to be highly competent graduates and qualified professionals. To innovate, develop, and disseminate sciences and technologies, to empower community welfare and enhance the national culture.
Kalasalingam University, (India)
Kalasalingam University is established in 1984 and unique in diverse respects. The founding philosophy of the Institute is to "Empower Youth", for development through technology.Having been created on the panoramic foothills of the Western Ghats, the University houses in itself all that is essential for moulding the young children entrusted to her care into technically sound engineers and managers.It's a UGC recognized, 30 year old NAAC accredited, spacious, eco-friendly Institution with plenty of flora and fauna around. On weekends, when the campus is free from children, it is a lovely sight to see the visitors from the Western Ghats—visitors like the Peacocks, the Peahens, batches of Deer, Bison, Wild Boars, Hedgehogs, to name a few. The presence of a sizable number of International community on campus helps prevail a multicultural atmosphere. The University has entered into an MOU with a good number of overseas Universities primarily for academic interaction and student exchange programmes.
The University is proud to have a good number of dedicated and qualified faculty who are always ready to walk a second mile to make the teaching-learning exercise a richly rewarding one. Student friendly monitoring mechanism. Other highlights of the academic strength are flexible academic system integrated with skill development courses for slow and fast leaners, choice-based credit system, non-CGPA courses, space for summer term and winter term courses, faculty advisory system, space for BEC, GRE, GATE, IELTS, TOEFEL and foreign languages like German, French, Korean and Romanian.A separate block housing International Research Centre with facilities for research in diverse areas, which include Nano Technology, Bio Technology, Composite Material, has been recently established.
ELESVIER (United Kingdom)
Elsevier, the modern publishing company, was founded in 1880. It has evolved from a small Dutch publishing house devoted to classical scholarship into an international multimedia publishing company with over 20,000 products for educational and professional science and healthcare communities worldwide. Elsevier takes its name from the original House of Elsevier, a Dutch family publishing house founded in 1580. Elsevier's history reflects a series of collaborations in the effort to advance science and health. These publishing collaborations with a group of scientific visionaries — ranging from Jules Verne to Stephen W. Hawking — created the foundation of scientific and medical publishing. The efforts of the men and women dedicated to disseminating and using scientific and medical knowledge have been equally critical– the editors, printers, librarians, nurses, doctors, engineers, information specialists and business people at the centre of scientific and health publishing. Relationships with other great science publishers such as North Holland, Pergamon, Mosby, W.B. Saunders, Churchill Livingstone and Academic Press have also been Integral to our success. These are just a few of the companies that are now part of the Elsevier family, bringing with them rich histories of their own. As the company moves forward, our founding motto remains apt: Non Solus– Not Alone.
Inderscience (Switzerland)
Inderscience is a global company, a dynamic leading independent journal publisher which has grown to a medium-sized enterprise, large enough to have the capabilities of a major company but small enough to be flexible and responsive to the requirements of its editors, authors and subscribers. The company disseminates the latest research across the broad fields of science, engineering and technology; management, public and business administration; environment, ecological economics and sustainable development; computing, ICT and internet/web services, and related areas. It grew out of successfully establishing. Inderscience Publishers is an academic publisher that publishes peer-reviewed journals in the fields of law, engineering and technology, management and business administration, and energy, environment, and sustainable development. Inderscience offers over 35 years' experience in publishing and has succeeded in building up a substantial collection approaching 400 high-quality peer-reviewed international research journals in both online and print formats. We offer a variety of ways you can keep up-to-date with the latest published leading edge research while our online collection represents a fully-searchable digital archivefully-searchable digital archive of around 60,000 articles.
Asia-Pacific Institute of Dispute Management (APIDM), Australia
The Asia-Pacific Institute of Dispute Management (APIDM) offers arbitration, negotiation, adjudication and mediation services to business people. It maintains a list of qualified arbitrators, adjudicators and mediators. It manages a comprehensive database of articles on dispute resolution, especially arbitration. It offers educational training services. Leading to accreditation as an arbitrator. APIDM is the Perth Registry of the Australian Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (ACICA) and is accredited by the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, London. As the successor organisation to the Western Australian Institute of Dispute Management (WAIDM), it is also a member organisation of the Asia Pacific Regional Arbitration Group (APRAG).
"FOUNDATION TRISAKTI " was established by Brig. Gen. Dr. Sjarif Thajeb as Minister of PTIP and K. Sindhunata, SH from LPKB - Compartment of Relations with the People with E. Pondaag Notary Act No. 31 dated January 31, 1966. For the first time, the Board of Management and the Daily Work Agency appointed by the decision of the Minister of PTIP, the Management Structure of the Trisakti Foundation, which was established based on the Decree of the Minister of PTIP No. 51 of 1966, as General Chairperson Dr. Ferry Sonneville.
Sriwijaya University (Indonesian: Universitas Sriwijaya, abbreviated as UNSRI) is a research, teaching and learning center which has contributed significantly in the development and advancement of sciences, technologies, arts and cultures. Being one of the major state universities in Indonesia. The idea to establish a college in South Sumatera had been around since the early 1950s and was prompted on Independence Day celebration on August 17, 1952. Initiated by some community leaders, the idea was transformed into an agreement to form a Panitia Fakultet Sumatera Selatan (South Sumatera's Faculty Committee).
The University of Dhaka is the oldest university in Bangladesh. Established in 1921 during the British Raj, it has made significant contributions to the modern history of Bangladesh. After the Partition of India, it became the focal point of progressive and democratic movements in Pakistan. its students and teachers played a central role in the rise of Bengali nationalism and the independence of Bangladesh. Today, it is the largest public research university in Bangladesh, with a student body of 37,018 and a faculty of 1,992. It was identified by AsiaWeek as one of the top 100 universities in Asia.[9] However, since the 1990s, the university has suffered from intensely politicized, partisan, and violent campus politics promoted by Bangladesh's political parties.
The State University of Malang (Indonesian: Universitas Negeri Malang, abbreviated as UM), formerly the Institute of Teacher Education and Educational Sciences of Malang (Indonesian: Institut Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Malang, abbreviated as IKIP Malang), is one of the state universities in Indonesia. Located in Malang and Blitar, East Java, UM was established in October 18, 1954 as PTPG Malang, as School of Education of Airlangga University, making it one of the oldest teaching institutes in Indonesia. UM was separated from Airlangga University on 20 May 1964 to become IKIP Malang.
In 1999, IKIP Malang formally changed its status from an institute to a state university.
In 2010, UM ranked 6th as the best university in Indonesia by Webometrics, but sank to 16th in 2015. However, also in 2015, UM was accredited as an A-class university by the National Accreditation Board of Higher Education (BAN-PT) with a score of 372 points,[4] just below UGM (378) and IPB (375).
Universitas Tanjungpura, Indonesia
Tanjungpura University or abbreviated as Untan is a public university in the city of Pontianak , Indonesia . The location of the UNTAN campus is in the city of Pontianak and can easily be recognized by the existence of the Digulis Monument in front of the campus. The Digulis Monument is also known as the UNTAN Roundabout.
Tanjungpura University was established on May 20, 1959 under the name National Daya University under the auspices of the National Daya Higher Education Foundation as a private university. The founders of these institutions are political figures and community leaders in West Kalimantan. At the time of its establishment the university had two faculties namely the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Commerce . The teaching staff at that time were scholars and young scholars who were in the area of West Kalimantan. Finally, the name of Dwikora University changed again to the University of Tanjungpura (Untan), based on Presidential Decree No. 171 of 1967. The name of Tanjungpura University was derived from the name of the Kingdom of Tanjungpura.
The University of Antique (UA), formerly known as Polytechnic State College of Antique, is a state university in the Philippines. It is mandated to provide higher technological, professional and vocational instruction and training in science, agricultural and industrial fields, as well as short-term technical or vocational courses. It is also mandated to promote research, advanced studies and progressive leadership in its areas of specialization. Its main campus is in Sibalom, Antique.
UA was originally the Antique School of Arts & Trades (ASAT) which was established by virtue of Republic Act 857 sponsored by the late Congressman Tobias A. Fornier in 1954 with Mr. Fermin Taruc as its first Superintendent. Mr. Taruc was sent to Sibalom, Antique by the Bureau of Vocational Education to set up and construct the first buildings of ASAT.
Independent University, Bangladesh or IUB is a private university in Bangladesh located in Bashundhara R/A, Dhaka, Bangladesh. It was established in 1993 by the Private University Act, 1992. The school offers an undergraduate Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree. Available areas of concentration are accounting, finance, general management, human resource management, international business, management information systems, and marketing. The school offers an MBA degree. Students are allowed up to five years from the date of initial enrollment to complete the degree requirements. It is possible to finish the program within five semesters by taking the maximum course load, or within three semesters if students have waivers or transfer courses. Available areas of concentration are: banking, finance, human resources management, and marketing.
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Muhammadiyah Jakarta is a school of business and economic, located in Jakarta, Indonesia, was established under the agreement of the educational division of Muhammadiyah Islamic organization on August 1, 1996. About a year later, exactly on March 21, 1997, it was officially acknowledged by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. This institute responds the market needs by providing two main majors, all of which are the management and accounting. The graduates are qualified not only in their fields but also in producing worthwhile research and they actively participate in the community empowerment.