ROPO Effect in Gender- Generational Characteristics

Richard Fedorko, Radovan Bačík, Mária Oleárová, Martin Rigelský

University of Presov, Konštantínová, Slovakia



The development of the Internet and the current technologies have contributed to a significant progress in the consumer shopping process. Today, shopping decisions are more intuitive and much easier to make. E-shops, search engines, customer reviews and other similar tools reduce costs of searching for products or product information, thus boosting the habit of searching for information on the Internet - "Research Shopper Phenomenon" (Verhoef et al. 2007). According to Verhoef et al. (2015), this phenomenon leads to a phenomenon where consumers search for product information using one channel (Internet) and then make a purchase through another channel (brick-and-mortar shop). Heinrich and Thalmair (2013) refer to this effect as the "research online, purchase offline" or "ROPO" effect for short. This phenomenon can also be observed in reverse.

Keywords: customer behavior, research online – purchase offline, association analysis