Knowledge Sharing and Self Efficacy Effect on Innovative Behavior of Weaving Crafters

Sulistiowati, Nurul Komari

Universitas Tanjungpura, Pontianak, Indonesia



The development of the weaving industry in Indonesia is an important effort to preserve the nation's culture and improve the economic prosperity of the local community. If weaving is managed well, it will accommodate the workforce and eventually their welfare will increase. Sambas Regency is one of the regions in Indonesia which has traditional woven fabrics. The ability of human resources to always produce innovation is a key factor for a business to be able to survive in conditions of intense competition. To increase the variety of patterns and product diversification needed the ability to innovate from weaving craftsmen. Innovation capability of each individual is different, not all individuals have the talent to innovate. Innovation capability can develop because of knowledge. Knowledge sharing behavior has an important role for innovation. Sharing knowledge is a driver of increased innovation ability (Lin, 2007; Rahab, Sulistyandari, & Sudjono, 2011). Individual confidence that he can carry out their duties is very important to build the ability to innovate. Self-efficacy is believed to influence the choice of tasks, effort, perseverance, excitement, and achievement (Bandura, 2012). Previous research concluded that the effect of self-efficacy on innovation behavior was carried out by Hsiao, Tu, Chang, & Chen (2015). The problem in this research is whether knowledge sharing and self-efficacy affect the innovative behavior of weaving craftsmen?

Keywords: innovation, self-efficacy, knowledge sharing