Rural Food Deserts: Food Access Status among Low-Income Households in Rural Area, Kedah, Malaysia

Ahmad Zubir Ibrahim

Institute of Local Government Studies, School of Government, Universiti Utara Malaysia



Food security happens when all people have physical and economic access to enough safe and nutritious food that satisfies their nutritional needs and desires for an active and balanced life at all times (FAO 2008). Food access is one of the key aspects of food security that must be met in order to achieve food security status. Food access, described as a sufficient supply of food at the national or international level, does not guarantee food security at the household level. Concerns regarding inadequate food access have prompted policymakers to place a greater emphasis on wages, expenditures, economies, and prices in order to achieve food security goals (FAO 2008).

Keywords: Food Access, Low-Income Households, Food Deserts

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