Inclusive Economic Growth Diagnosis Of Jambi Province

Zulgani , Faradina Zevaya

Economics Department of University of Jambi, Jambi - Muara Bulian St., 36361, Muaro Jambi, Indonesia



High economic growth is an achievement that is always expected and targeted by a country or region. However, whether this economic growth has been in line with the reduction in poverty, the decrease in unemployed people, and the provision of many and quality jobs is still in question. Thus, the problem that can be studied is whether Jambi Province has been in inclusive economic growth. And, what factors are calculated and analyzed in determining its inclusiveness. The method and data used are the adaptation of the main variables used by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the measure of the quality of economic growth is assessed from the IGI (Inclusive Growth Index). The result shows that IGI Jambi Province has an increasing trend during the 2016 – 2020 period, although it is stagnant at a satisfactory level of progress and at the level of satisfaction in 2019 it experienced growth compared to the previous year accompanied by an increase in several sub-dimensions such as the sub-dimension of productive workforce, economic infrastructure, poverty, health, education, sanitation and social protection.Meanwhile, the level of satisfaction with economic growth grew negatively, as well as the subdimensions of gender equality and constant income inequality.

Keywords: Economic Growth, IGI, Inclusive Economic, Jambi.

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